姓名 来特 行政职务
系别 金融学系 职称 副教授
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  • 来特,7163银河主站线路检测副教授,硕士生导师,2011年于香港城市大学经济与金融系获得经济学博士学位,曾在香港城市大学国际经济学研究中心任职博士后研究员。2013年7月加盟7163银河主站线路检测国际经济与贸易学院,现为7163银河主站线路检测副教授。研究领域为国际宏观,应用计量与家庭金融。已在Journal of International Money and Finance, China Economic Review, Review of International EconomicsReview of Development Economics, Pacific Economic Review,International Review of Economics and Finance,Economic Modelling, China and World EconomySSCI检索期刊发表论文多篇,并主持一项国家自然科学基金青年项目,一项国家自然科学基金面上项目,一项教育部人文社科青年项目与一项广东省自科基金面上项目。曾任香港金融研究中心访问研究员,澳门大学经济学系访问学者。


  • Journal Articles:

    1. 张浩,唐文佳,来特,《中国家庭股票市场“有限参与之谜”:数字金融发展解》,《金融经济学研究》,2022年7月,第37卷第4期。

    2. 来特,梁晓仪,《长期购买力平价在台湾地区与其主要贸易伙伴经济体之间是否成立?——基于傅里叶分位数检验的实证研究》,《现代台湾研究》,2022年第四期,46-57。

    3. Chan, Kenneth, Jennifer Lai and Xiaoyi Liang, 2022, “Testing the validity of PPP for China: evidence from the Fourier quantile unit root test”, accepted by Review of International Economics.

    4. Lai, Jennifer, Dongxiao Zheng and Jinxing Zhang, 2022, “The effect of industrial robots’ adoption on urban income inequality in China”, accepted by Applied Economics Letters,

    5. Lai, Jennifer, Jing Xie, Shiyun Cao and Hao Zhang, 2022, “Digital financial inclusion and illegal fundraising in China”, Applied Economics., vol. 54 (48), 5575-5590.

    6. Ye, Mengqian, Nan Lian and Jennifer Lai, 2022. “Domestic migration and the risk of households being defrauded in urban China”, accepted by Frontiers in Human Dynamics.

    7. Chan, Kenneth, Jennifer Lai and Tingting Li, 2022. “Cultures, genes and savings behavior in China”, International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 80, 134-146.

    8. Lai, Jennifer, Mengqian Ye and Hao Zhang, 2021. “Home ownership and life satisfaction of migrants in urban China,” Applied Economics Letters, vol. 28(4), 287-293.

    9. Lai, Jennifer, Hongyi Chen and Paul D. McNelis, 2020. "Macroeconomic adjustment with managed exchange rates and capital controls: Some lessons from China," Economic Modelling , vol. 91(C), pages 759-768.

    10. Lai, Jennifer, Isabel K. M. Yan and Xingjian Yi and Hao Zhang, 2020. "Digital Financial Inclusion and Consumption Smoothing in China," China and World Economy, vol. 28(1), pages 64-93, January.

    11. Lai, Jennifer and Paul D. McNelis, 2020, "Offshore fears and onshore risk: exchange rate pressures and bank volatility contagion in China," Economic and Political Studies, vol. 8(3), pages 374-393, July.

    12. Lai, Jennifer, Jiaying Yao and Hao Zhang, 2020. "Siblings effects and housing tenure decisions: evidence from China," Applied Economics Letters, vol. 27(9), pages 714-718, May.

    13. 易行建,周聪,来特,周利,2019,商业医疗保险与家庭风险金融资产投资——来自CHFS数据的证据,《经济科学》2019(10), 104-116.

    14. Chan, Kenneth S., Vinh Q.T. Dang and Jennifer Lai, 2018. "Capital market integration in ASEAN: A non-stationary panel data analysis," The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, vol. 46(C), pages 249-260.

    15. Cai, T., Jennifer. Lai, B. Hazari and V. Mohan, 2018. “Kaldorian disaggregation, temporary migration and welfare: Theory and calibration,” Pacific Economic Review, 23(2), 193-221.

    16. 易行建,陈仁静,来特,杨碧云,2017,《户主受教育水平的提高是否显著提高了家庭储蓄率?》,《上海金融》2017(11), 21-27.

    17. Li, Tingting, Jennifer Lai and Yong Wang and Dingtao Zhao, 2016. "Long-run relationship between inequality and growth in post-reform China: New evidence from dynamic panel model," International Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 41(C), pages 238-252.

    18. Lai Jennifer, Bharat R. Hazari and Vijay Mohan, 2016. "Kaldorian Disaggregation, Temporary Migration and Domestic Welfare," Review of Development Economics, vol. 20(2), pages 468-474, May.

    19. Cai, Tao, Vinh Q. T. Dang and Jennifer Lai, 2016. "China's Capital and ‘Hot’ Money Flows: An Empirical Investigation," Pacific Economic Review, vol. 21(3), pages 276-294, August.

    20. Chan, Kenneth S., Jennifer Lai and Isabel K.M. Yan, 2014. "Consumption risk sharing and self-insurance across provinces in China: 1952–2008," China Economic Review, vol. 30(C), pages 66-85.

    21. Lai, Jennifer, Erin P.K. So and Isabel K.M. Yan, 2014. "Intergovernmental fiscal arrangements and provincial consumption risk sharing in China," Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, vol. 50(3), pages 45-58, May.

    22. Lai, Jennifer T. and Paul D. McNelis and Isabel K.M. Yan, 2013. "Regional capital mobility in China: Economic reform with limited financial integration," Journal of International Money and Finance, vol. 37(C), pages 493-503.

    23. Chan, Kenneth S., Jennifer Lai and Isabel K.M. Yan, 2013. “Is the provincial market segmented in China?” Review of Development Economics, vol. 17(3), 430-446.

    24. Chan, Kenneth S., Vinh Q.T. Dang, and Jennifer Lai and Isabel K.M. Yan, 2011. "Regional capital mobility in China: 1978–2006," Journal of International Money and Finance, Elsevier, vol. 30(7), pages 1506-1515.


    Working papers

    1. Contagion Among the GSIBs: Does Regulatory Intervention Matter? 2022, with Paul McNelis, revise and resubmit.

    2. Swap Volatility and Systemic Risk in Hong Kong Banking: A Machine Learning Approach.2022, with Paul McNelis.

    3. Illegal fundraising and financial availability in China, 2021, with J. Xie, M. Ye and X. Yi, resubmitted.

    4. 纠结预期与异质性响应:疫情冲击的经济增长与金融风险,2021,与曹诗韵、韩立岩合作。

    5. 民间金融治理与家庭的风险金融资产配置, 与谢静、叶梦芊和张浩合作。

    6. Live to work or work to live: Empirical test using China Labor Dynamics Survey, 2021, with M. Ye and N. Xu.

    7. Financial integration and household consumption smoothing in China, 2019, with X. Yi and J. Zhang.

    8. Heterogeneous preferences and household risk sharing in China, 2018, with I. Yan and X. Yi.



  • 广东省千百十人才校级培养对象








  • Undergraduate levelMicroeconomics, Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Data analysis using Python, International Finance.

    Graduate levelEconomic Analysis, Advanced Macroeconomics (PhD), International Finance


    Graduate student supervision:



    厦门大学经济学科博士项目,2021年9月 (1位)








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