7163银河主站线路检测论文工作坊33期(12月22日,张弛 助理教授)

报告主题:High-tech Cooperation Plan and High-tech Cross-border M&A

报告人: 助理教授

时间:12月22 14:30





We evaluate the impact of the High-tech Cooperation Plan between China and other Belt and Road countries on high-tech outbound cross-border M&A deals initiated by Chinese enterprises. In our empirical work, we use transaction-level high-tech M&A data from 2014 to 2018 to evaluate the impact of the High-tech Cooperation Plan on the number of transactions and the total volume of M&A activity. Our estimates suggest that the total number and total volume of high-tech M&A deals flowing into target Belt and Road countries increase after the High-tech Cooperation Plan began. We find that the impacts are driven by M&A transactions initiated by both Chinese state-owned enterprises and non-state-owned companies. Further, our empirical results imply that the High-tech Cooperation Plan has had the highest positive impact on outbound cross-border M&A activity for targets in the high-tech manufacture industries. Finally, economic incentives are part of the High-tech Cooperation Plan rather than firms simply following moral suasion from the government.




张弛 助理教授

张弛,男,中山大学国际7163银河主站线路检测助理教授,中山大学“百人计划”引进人才,公司金融方向硕士生导师。主要研究方向为公司金融,具体研究问题包括跨国并购等。本科期间曾赴美国哥伦比亚大学访问,曾参与香港 SPPR 项目粤港澳大湾区背景下香港绿色金融中心建设的制度分析与政策设计,以第一作者的身份在《Journal of Corporate Finance》等 SSCI 检索杂志发表论文多篇。



图文 | 湛彩华

编辑 | 顾哲喻 湛彩华

初审 | 顾哲瑜

复审 | 张  浩

终审 | 徐昶斌







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