

时间:2022.10.24(周一) 19:00


报告人: 锐 教授(浙江大学)

主持人: 浩 教授



Purpose – We attempt to examine the existence and pattern of coalitions in international relations across countries, and investigate whether international relations of coalition partners influence a country’s enaction of agricultural non-tariff measures (NTMs).

Design/methodology/approach – We adopt a machine learning technique to identify international relation coalition partnerships and use network analysis to characterize the clustering pattern of coalitions with high-frequent records of global event data. We then construct a monthly dataset of agricultural NTMs against China and international relations with China of each importer and its coalition partners, and design a panel structural vector autoregressive (PSVAR) model to estimate impulse response functions of agricultural NTMs with regard to international relation shocks.

Findings – We find countries to establish coalition partnerships. Two major clusters of coalitions are noted, with one composed of coalitions primarily among “North” countries and the other of coalitions among “South” countries. The US is found to play a pivotal role by connecting the two clusters. The PSVAR estimation reveals reductions of NTMs against China following improved international relations with China of both the importer and its coalition partners. NTM responses are more substantial for measures that are trade restrictive. These results confirm that coalitions in international relations lead to coordination of agricultural NTMs.

Originality/value – We provide international political insights to agricultural trade policymaking by showing interactions of NTM enaction across countries in the same coalition of international relations. These insights offer useful policy implications to predict and cope with hidden barriers to agricultural trade.



茅锐 教授






图文 | 湛彩华

编辑 | 顾哲喻 湛彩华

初审 | 顾哲瑜

复审 |

终审 | 徐昶斌





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