7163银河主站线路检测海外名师项目之哥伦比亚大学Tri Vi Dang 博士讲座
  • 文:  
  • 2015-07-17

   2015年7月16日上午10:00-11:30,哥伦比亚大学经济学系Tri Vi Dang 博士应邀参加由7163银河主站线路检测承办的主题为国际金融前沿问题的海外名师项目讲座。该会议由7163银河主站线路检测经理易行健教授主持,于南校区教学楼B座304举行,本次讲座题为“Bank as Secret Keepers”。海外名师项目是公司为实施学校国际化发展战略,引进海外优质学术资源,借鉴海外先进教学、科研及管理理念和经验,深化公司教学和科研改革,提升公司国际化人才培养质量而设立的项目。

   Tri Vi Dang 博士首先提出了一个关于银行业务的新理论——关于私人货币的理论,接着从私人货币的供给和需求两方面来解释理论的成立的机制。通过美国的实际数据让聆听讲座的老师和员工们更加轻易地理解这个新的理论。新的理论引得所有人聚精会神,同时也引起会上激烈的讨论,而Tri Vi Dang 博士则一一详细解释。

   最后,Tri Vi Dang 博士通过一个3期项目投资模型详细地为与会各位讲解公司、银行以及资本市场上的最优均衡条件以及对于信息的需求状况。通过这个模型证明文章所提出的关于银行作用的观点。银行作为一个信息披露者,同时也要做好信息掌管的地位。这个信息不透明度是存在一个最优水平的,而这个最优水平是可以由模型计算所得。所以,信息产品对于投资的效率非常重要。银行最终会选择最小化信息缺口的资产投资组合,从而扮演信息守密人的角色。



Academic Positions

01/13 - present : Lecturer in Discipline, Department of Economics, Columbia University

09/10 - 12/12 : Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Columbia University

09/08 - 08/10 : Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and Cowles Foundation, Yale University

10/05 - 08/08 : Habilitand (Assistant Professor), Department of Economics and member of the SFB

504 and the Center for Finance, University of Mannheim

Working Papers

Information Acquisition, Noise Trading and Speculation in Double Auction Markets

Information Disclosure, Intertemporal Risk Sharing, and Stock Prices (with. H. Hakenes)

Ignorance, Debt and Financial Crises (with G. Gorton and B. Holmström)

Haircuts and Repo Chains (with G. Gorton and B. Holmström)

The Information Sensitivity of a Security (with G. Gorton and B. Holmström)

Banks as Secret Keepers (with G. Gorton, B. Holmström and G. Ordonez)

Market Sentiment, Innovations and Stock Returns (with Z. Xu)

Teaching Experience

Columbia University

Corporate Finance, undergraduate lecture course (Fall 2010 - 2014, Spring 2013, 2014)

Private Equity and Hedge Fund Investing, senior seminar course (Spring 2013, 2014, Fall 2013, 2014)

Private Equity Investing, senior seminar course, co-taught with J. Quigley (Spring 2011, 2012)

Yale University

Corporate Finance, senior seminar course (Spring 2009, 2010, Fall 2012)

Topics in Financial Intermediation, PhD course, co-taught with G. Gorton (Spring 2010)





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